We are to delighted to introduce the new www.banor.it website!
It’s vital for companies to have an online presence that provides clear and comprehensive content on their services and gives you, their users, the opportunity to ask for information on specific, customised products and solutions.
That’s why we decided to focus on a navigation structure that’s simple and intuitive well as being attractive to use.
You can navigate each part of our new website, whether you’re on a computer, a smartphone or a tablet. Each image helps identify one of our services. On each page you’ll find the information you need to find out more about our products and services and to send your requests to the right people.
The Press section has been reviewed and optimised.
And if you’d like to contact us directly you can do so using the mail form, which now lets you send your request to the section you’re most interested in.
Simplicity means efficiency.
Enjoy your visit!
The contents provided for in this section have not been audited by independent bodies. There’s no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained. The informations are not based on assessment of the adequacy and do not consider the risk profile of the possible recipients, and therefore, should not be construed as personal recommendation and does not constitute investment advice, according to the Italian Legislative Decree n° 58/98. The contents of this site may not be reproduced or published whole or in part, for any purpose, or disclosed to third parties.