Assets.The SIM acquires 10% of Hansabay in Singapore.
Banor advances into south-east Asia.
Banor is gaining a foothold in the South-East Asian market. Already present in China, Italy’s biggest independent SIM, which specialises in capital management and advisory for high worth clients, has acquired 10% of Singapore-based asset management company Hansabay. The operation was led by Banor Capital and aims to extend the company’s presence in an area undergoing strong expansion. An area where Banor already has interests thanks to the work of Dawid Krige, as advisor for the Banor SICAV Greater China Long/Short Equity fund.
Hansabay was set up in 2011 by Florian Weidinger and to date can count on 400 million dollars [sic] in assets under management. Most important, it has a management approach and investment philosophy inspired by value principles that fully reflect Banor’s. “The aim”, explained Banor Capital Chairman CEO Massimiliano Cagliero, “is to offer our clients investment opportunities in the region, to propose investments in Europe and Italy to local investors, and to lay the foundations for a future tutoring outpost for Italian business clients seeking to expand their activity in south-east Asia”. Banor, which has just celebrated its first ten years in business, has around 5 billion euro under management, with the focus on private and institutional clients.
Original article in Italian language, available here: Il Sole 24 Ore, December 30, 2015.
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